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Water Sports Whiz
The leading resource for advice on Kayaking, Canoeing, Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP) and all things water sports related. With tips & tricks, how-tos, product reviews, and detailed buying guides.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert we have the information to help you excel
Hot off the press…

Is A Kayak Considered A Boat Or A Personal Watercraft?
When it comes to water vessel classifications, kayaks often fall into a gray area. Are they considered boats, personal watercraft, or something else entirely? The answer can have significant implications for regulations, registration, and safety requirements. We investigate the legal and practical definitions of kayaks, exploring how they are categorized by different authorities and in various contexts.

How to Paddle a Tandem Kayak: Master Coordination, Communication, and Technique
Tandem kayaking can be a joy or a struggle, depending on how well you and your partner work together. Paddling in sync requires more than just physical coordination – it demands clear communication and a shared understanding of roles and techniques. We break down the essential skills and strategies for mastering tandem kayaking, from establishing a rhythm and power balance to executing turns and maneuvers as a team.

Best Kayak Compass – Top 6 Picks For When GPS Technology Fails
Don’t let losing battery power or GPS signal turn your paddle into disaster by getting lost far offshore. Always carry a reliable backup compass tailored for kayaking – it could save your life! We have reviewed the top-rated kayak compasses of 2024, covering specialized features like illumination, declination adjustment, and durability so you can find the perfect match to keep paddling confidently when GPS fails.

How To Plan A Kayak Camping Trip – Planning, Packing And Gear Tips!
The combination of kayaking and camping unlocks a paddling adventure like no other – imagine waking up to misty mornings on secluded shores after nights under the stars! But pulling off the perfect kayak camping trip requires thoughtful prep work. Learn how to plan a hassle-free, fun camping getaway with pro tips on packing gear, route planning, campsite selection, weather watch, and more!

Sit-On-Top Vs. Sit-In Kayak: Which Is The Better Kayak Type For You?
Kayaks are categorized in many ways, but the first – and most important – is based on hull style. It’s also the one that sparked the age-old debate in the paddling community: Which is better, sit-on-tops or sit-ins? Both sides have some valid arguments – and, in a way, both sides are right. You see, the question isn’t which type is inherently better. Instead, which one’s better for you.

Do Sharks Attack Kayaks: Attack Statistics, Managing Encounters & Safety Precautions
Paddling over deep ocean waters, I’ll admit those Jaws scenes sometimes creep into my mind. Spotting a dorsal fin my heart skips a beat. While shark attacks on kayaks are extremely rare, understanding statistics, encounters, and best safety precautions puts my mind at ease. After researching expert insights on shark behaviour, I’m sharing practical tips to safely enjoy ocean kayaking, even where great whites roam!
Who Are WaterSportsWhiz?
Created by Enthusiasts, for Enthusiasts
WaterSportsWhiz exists to be the trusted source that paddling enthusiasts can turn to for reliable insights. When starting out on this paddling journey, our founder Sam struggled to find accurate information, he decided that if no reliable source existed for beginners – he’d build it himself.
We remain committed to overcoming obstacles in order to provide quality recommendations without bias or hidden agendas.
Our philosophy: equip fellow water lovers with the transparent guidance needed to safely enjoy their sport.
Real expertise from real experience, not just to make sales but to serve our community.
If the path doesn’t exist, we’ll forge ahead until we make one.
Meet Our Team
The WaterSportsWhiz crew brings together over 120 collective years of water sports experience and expertise. From professional athletes and coaches to recreational weekend warriors, our team offers well-rounded perspectives bonded by a genuine love of the water.

Founder, Kayak & Paddle Boarding Expert

Senior Writer & Kayaking Expert

Writer and Globetrotting Adventurer

Writer, Diving and Kite Surfing Expert

Writer and Fishing Expert

Outreach Manager
Boats & Boards

Best Kayaks For Big Guys Or Girls – 5 Top Kayaks For The Oversized Person
Big and tall kayakers know the tedious search for a kayak actually built for larger frames. Most recreational rigs simply can’t handle weights over 250-300 lbs! We review the 5 best kayaks specially designed for big and tall paddlers in 2024 – rated for real stability, capacity, comfort and tracking ability at higher weights. Finally find your perfect oversized kayak fit!
Equipment & Accessories

Best Kayak Lights for Night Paddling – See & Be Seen With These Top 8 Kayak Lights
Making your way through the dim moonlight with nothing but the sound of paddles breaking the water’s surface to disturb the silence can be an otherworldly experience. There’s inherent tranquility to kayaking at night that will make you love paddling even more than you do now. However, it also carries …
Knowledge & Know-How

How to Transport a Kayak Without a Roof Rack? – No Rack, no Problem!
In an ideal world, when it comes to hauling a kayak everyone would own a purpose-built kayak roof rack or kayak trailer to transport their hard-shell kayak around on. But we don’t live in an ideal world and there are many valid reasons to why it is not always possible. …
Trust In Our Expertise
At WaterSportsWhiz, we take accuracy and integrity seriously. Our writers have decades of first-hand experience and active participation across every water sport we discuss on this site.
We thoroughly research, test, and fact-check all our recommendations. We never accept paid sponsorships or placements, and we detail any potential biases openly and honestly.
Our goal is not to promote products, but to provide ethical, comprehensive, and unbiased advice to help you make informed decisions. You can trust that we have your back as a fellow water sports enthusiast.
Our commitment to transparency, honesty, and rigorously vetted information means you can have confidence in the guidance we provide. Let us help you make the most of your time on the water!